
DEDALE Final Telecon

DEDALE Final Telecon Date: 06/09/18 Time: 11:00 CEST Materials: Minutes Agenda – Review outstanding action items – Reviews status of M32 deliverables – Reviews status of M32 milestones – Review status of publications – Plans for final project review – AOB Connection Details Connection to the conference Connection from a single terminal (Windows, OS X, tablet, smartphone …)***8821&autojoin […]

DEDALE Action Item Review Telecon 3

DEDALE Action Item Review Telecon Date: 18/06/18 Time: 14:00 CEST Materials: Minutes Agenda – Reviews status of outstanding action items – Review status of publications – Preparations for meeting at FORTH – AOB Connection Details Connection to the conference Connection from a single terminal (Windows, OS X, tablet, smartphone …)***8877&autojoin Installation guide […]

DEDALE Action Item Review Telecon 2

DEDALE Action Item Review Telecon Date: 20/04/18 Time: 11:00 CEST Materials: Minutes Agenda – Reviews status of outstanding action items – Review status of M32 milestone – Review status of publications – AOB Connection Details   Connection to the conference Connection from a single terminal (Windows, OS X, tablet, smartphone …)***7622&autojoin Installation guide of […]

DEDALE Action Item Review Telecon

DEDALE Action Item Review Telecon Date: 08/03/18 Time: 11:00 CET Materials: Minutes Agenda – Reviews status of action items issued at London meeting – Review status of M30 deliverables – Review status of publications – AOB Connection Details   Connection from a single terminal***6496&autojoin IP Phone ou RNIS +33 (0)9 88 83 00 07 GDS +33 […]